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Eintritt-Freier Workshop mit Ani Andreani
Samstag, 19:00-20:15 Uhr, Benazetsaal
Hallux Valgus- Und Tschüss, Schmerzen!
Für Details bitte hier anklicken
Julián & Bruna: Musicality! Recognising accents and notes. Learn how to use your musical interpretation
Freitag, 08. November 2024Zeit: 19:30 - 20:55 UhrLocation: Beletage, Kurhaus
Levels: All levels
Julián & Bruna: Enrosques and Sacadas. Combinations in close embrace of turns, enrosques and sacadas
Samstag, 09. November 2024Zeit: 16:30 - 17:55 UhrLocation: Tanzwelt Bergman II
Levels: Advanced
Julián & Bruna: Embrace and Connection. Improving the quality of your dance.
Samstag, 09. November 2024Zeit: 18:00 - 19:25 UhrLocation: Tanzwelt Bergmann II
Levels: All Levels
Julián & Bruna: Complex Movements. Combinations and axis technique in close embrace
Sonntag, 10. November 2024Zeit: 15:00 - 16:25 UhrLocation: Tanzwelt Bergman I
Levels: Advanced
Alexander & Martina: Vals! The joy of the turn
Freitag, 08. November 2024Zeit: 18:00 Uhr- 19:25 Uhr
Ort: Beletage-KurhausLevel: Intermediate/Advanced
Alexander & Martina: Communication! Fundamental concepts for good communication in dancing at advanced levels
Samstag, 09. November 2024Zeit: 12:00 Uhr- 13:25 UhrOrt: Cristal Saal, Heliopark Bad Hotel zum Hirsch
Levels: Intermediate/Advanced
Alexander & Martina: Milonga con traspie! Playful and dynamic
Samstag, 09. November 2024Zeit: 13:30 Uhr- 14:55 Uhr
Ort: Cristal Saal, Heliopark Bad Hotel
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Alexander & Martina: Turns! Change of speed in the turn with a close embrace using different resources
Sonntag, 10. November 2024Zeit: 12:00 Uhr- 13:25 Uhr
Ort: Tanzwelt Bergmann IILevel: Advanced
Alexander & Martina: Turns! Change of speed in the turn with a close embrace using different resources
Sonntag, 10. November 2024Zeit: 12:00 Uhr- 13:25 Uhr
Ort: Tanzwelt Bergmann IILevel: Advanced
Jonathan & Clarisa: Tight spaces! How to find our dance in a full Milonga! Secrets and tips to dance in peace with the rest of the people!
Freitag, 08. November 2024Zeit: 18:00 - 19:25 UhrOrt: Runder Saal- Kurhaus
Levels: Intermediate/Advanced
Jonathan & Clarisa: Change of Dynamics. The search for great contrasts in our dance. Exercises and tools.
Samstag, 09. November 2024Zeit: 12:00 - 13:25 UhrLocation: Tanzwelt Bergmann I
Levels: Intermediate/Advanced
Jonathan & Clarisa: Couple Technique! Individual technique applied to the couple, we work on the different types of embraces and axis positions.
Samstag, 09. November 2024Zeit: 15:00 - 16:25 UhrLocation: Tanzwelt Bergmann I
Levels: All levels
Jonathan & Clarisa: Couple Technique! Individual technique applied to the couple, we work on the different types of embraces and axis positions.
Samstag, 09. November 2024Zeit: 15:00 - 16:25 UhrLocation: Tanzwelt Bergmann I
Levels: All levels
Jonathan & Clarisa: The pleasure of the Pause / Silence: How to dance with less? How to create pause in our dance and where in the music!
Sonntag, 10. November 2024Zeit: 12:00 - 13:25 UhrLocation: Tanzwelt Bergmann I
Levels: Intermediate/Advanced
Jonathan & Clarisa: The pleasure of the Pause / Silence: How to dance with less? How to create pause in our dance and where in the music!
Sonntag, 10. November 2024Zeit: 12:00 - 13:25 UhrLocation: Tanzwelt Bergmann I
Levels: Intermediate/Advanced
Carlitos & Agustina: Combination of linear turns and circular turns. Sequences for the Salon
Freitag, 08. November 2024
Zeit: 19:30 - 20:55 Uhr
Ort: Runder Saal- Kurhaus
Levels: Intermediate/Advanced
Carlitos & Agustina: Rhythm and Musicality! Silence, accents, colors, volume, amplitude: elements to highlight the details of the rhythm (Highly Recommended)
Samstag, 09. November 2024
Zeit: 15:00 - 16:25 Uhr
Location: Tanzwelt Bergmann II Levels: Intermediate/Advanced
Carlitos & Agustina: Colgadas and elasticity! Sequences for the salon.
Samstag, 09. November 2024
Zeit: 16:30 - 17:55 Uhr
Location: Tanzwelt Bergmann I Levels: Intermediate/Advanced
Carlitos & Agustina: Boleos! Boleos as a Rhythmic Tool
Samstag, 09. November 2024
Zeit: 18:00 - 19:25 Uhr
Location: Tanzwelt Bergmann I Levels: Intermediate/Advanced
Carlitos & Agustina: Vals! Carlitos and Agustina's favorite musical elements and their combinations during the dance
Sonntag, 10. November 2024
Zeit: 13:30 - 14:55 Uhr
Location: Tanzwelt Bergmann II Levels: Intermediate/Advanced
Carlitos & Agustina: In close embrace! Ideas to build useful sequences in social dance
Sonntag, 10. November 2024
Zeit: 15:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Location: Tanzwelt Bergmann II Levels: Intermediate/Advanced
Preis der gebuchten Workshops. Artikel muss mitgebucht werden!